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cổ điển
MetaTrader 4
MetaTrader 4
MetaTrader 5
Tính năng
nâng cao
MetaTrader 5
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Chọn nền tảng giao dịch:
If you have any questions, our support team is always ready to help: support@onfin.io
Chức năng
cổ điển
MetaTrader 4
MetaTrader 4
MetaTrader 5
Tính năng
nâng cao
MetaTrader 5
Trở thành đối tác
Chọn nền tảng giao dịch:
If you have any questions, our support team is always ready to help: support@onfin.io
Chức năng
cổ điển
MetaTrader 4
MetaTrader 4
MetaTrader 5
Tính năng
nâng cao
MetaTrader 5
08.03.2023 | Daylight saving change: Trade schedule will change from March 13 to March 24
Two weeks - from March 13 to the end of the trading session on March 24 - trading hours will be shifted one hour back.

On March 12, 2023, the United States will switch to daylight saving time - it will move an hour ahead. In Europe, the clock will be switched to daylight saving time only on March 26. Because of this difference, a temporary change in the trading schedule is obtained.

Trade Schedule March 13-24 (EET Server Time):

DowJones30, Nasdaq100, S&P500, WTI, NGAS, Metals - 00:05-22:55
ASX200 - 00:50-07:30, 08:10-22:00
Brent - 02:05-22:55
CFD Stocks US - 15:30-22:00

Trading schedule starting March 27 (EET server time):

DowJones30, Nasdaq100, S&P500, WTI, NGAS, Metals - 01:05-24:00
ASX200 - 01:50-08:30, 09:10-23:00
Brent - 03:05-23:55
CFD Stocks US - 16:30-23:00

Otherwise, trading will take place as usual. This schedule may still change, but we told you all the most important things. We hope this will help you in your deal planning!